Marți, 31 Iulie 2018 14:51

Register now for the ENI CBC workshop at the European Week of Cities and Regions 2018!

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Which opportunities for cooperation, acquiring new skills, social inclusion and educational activities offer ENI CBC programmes to young people? How do they encourage youth to become agents of positive change for communities on both sides of the EU borders? On 11 October these issues will be addressed in the workshop “Bringing together youth along the external borders of the European Union”, organised by DG NEAR in the framework of the European Week of Cities and Regions.

Cross-border cooperation under the European Neighborhood Instrument devotes efforts to initiatives targeting youth. More than 100 projects during the programming period 2007-2013, implemented by over 500 national, regional or local institutions and NGOs, show the interest that this specific group represents in creating good relations between the European Union and its neighbors. These initiatives are implemented in a moment when the narration about borders remains linked to the migration crisis, letting little space for showcasing the challenges faced by people living in border areas, including youth. Conveying this reality to youngsters from an internal border-free Europe is an additional challenge.

Through this workshop you can take a closer look at how cross-border cooperation programmes address youth as a target, be it through projects on social inclusion and protection of vulnerable youth, projects on the development of alternative education systems or projects aiming at creating new job opportunities. You will hear first-hand opinions from young final beneficiaries about the positive change boosted by the EU support and will follow their discussions about youth overcoming borders.

The registration to the workshop is open until 28 September.

Please register for the workshop here*

*To register, please, select the following filters: organiser “European Commission – DG NEAR”, day “Thursday 11” and click on filter button. Then click on the session title “Bringing together youth along the external borders of the European Union”, read the description and click on “Add session” button. Once you are ready confirm your selection.